Saturday, July 11, 2009

Three hundred and fifty million dollars

Four months and six months old...

I cannot imagine how far that money would go to help families in this troubled economy of ours.

Three hundred and fifty million dollars is what has been given, through our tax dollars, to Planned Deathhood, LAST year ALONE, to further the culture of death. Imagine - giving $350,000,000.00 to a corporation that kills human beings. Imagine giving $350,000,000.00 to a corporation that makes its clients pay for their services.

I am opposed to abortion. I am opposed to the killing of the most innocent among us. I am opposed to my taxes going to Planned Deathhood to further the culture of death.

I have signed this petition to let our law makers know that I do not like being taxed to kill human beings. Please take a minute to do the same. Thank you.

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