Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Free abortions - has the time come?

Look at the women on the left...(no pun intended). Angry faces, yelling faces, defiant faces. 

Look at the fist on the yellow sign...and then the signs ... "ABORTION IS A RIGHT!!! My Choice...Free Abortion on Demand...OUR RIGHT TO DECIDE

Look at the man on the right - asking for mercy from God for wounding the mothers and killing the children.

It has been my observation over my short life that when a person knows they are wrong, they become more and more and more defiant, closed minded and bigoted against the truth. 

I have been to many pro-life rallies and I have also attended pro-abortion rallies. I have spoken for Silent No More Awareness and have had names yelled at me...I have never witnessed any pro-life person yelling names at those who are pro-abortion.

Looking at the signs that the women who are pro-abortion - I have a couple of questions...why it is "her choice"? The choice to kill her child...

In a strange way, I agree that abortions should be free - let us put that out there - Planned Parenthood is so bent on telling us that there is nothing wrong with abortion, indeed it is compassionate and life saving for women to have the "choice" to kill their babies.

So - let Planned Parenthood rise to their ideology and offer five years of free abortions, or even one year. They have made enough profit over the last 23 years to be able to do this. 

Planned Parenthood, for all of its talk about helping women would NEVER consider doing an abortion gratis...why? Because they are not in it for the woman, they are in it for the money. 

The ideology of a woman's right to choose to kill her baby is paramount to them. They have to keep that mindset going - and if they cannot do it gently, they will do it with force - bigoted against the unborn, defiant against God, the creator of life, and closed minded - dismissing facts that abortion kills a human being and injures the baby's family.

So - all of you Planned Parenthood supporters - go and call your local PP and ask them if you can get a 'free' abortion (no reimbursement from anyone - totally gratis)...I will wait to hear your report on their answer.

1 comment:

Leslie K. said...

We call abortion what it is - murder - and are accused of calling women who get abortions murderers. People are so stupid....sometimes I get so discouraged....