Thursday, May 15, 2008


Just a shot of our apple tree blossoms...spring is definitely here and I am enjoying being able to sit outside now.

Pray for sanity to return to California - how sad that state has become with its judiciary overtaking the will of the people.


Esther said...

There is nothing that says spring more than pale pink apple blossoms! Beautiful photo.

And this Californian says amen!

Macile Hooper LeJeune said...

Michael (on the phone) just told me to take a vacation from ... cajunspray ... while on wedding trip. That would not even ever occure to me; but now ... A VACATION FROM NEWS MEDIA; PRINT, TV AND INTERNET ... that sounds like a good ticket.
I was looking for a small device to take on the trip that I could at least do email on; because we will be so busy that other computer work will be on hold.
But I wanted to vomit (yeah, I know, I do not life that word either) when the mayor of SF came on about what a DAY it is for human rights. Ohe, what a mess we make of our GOD-given rights ... in the name of 'choice'. Am praying for CA ... but other states already had 'gay marriage' as a law.
Dear sweet sister, I know I commented on your last sentence ... first ... but ... like Esther ... loved the pictures. Here, our pear tree is almost as pretty; straight and tall ... but I like the way apple trees spread out like a plume from the top of a water spout.
DIEU TE BENISSE!!! Cajun Sissy