Monday, May 19, 2008

A quick trip down to Oregon

So, Saturday morning, Mel loaded our four Boy Scouts in the SUV, gear and all and took them to Lake Katherine where Troop 220 met up for their overnight camping trip which was being held at Ape Caves in Southern Washington. While Mel was gone, I putzed around the house, getting ready to go down and spend the night in Scappoose, Oregon, where his mom lives.

It turns out that the day was extremely hot and our drive down showed the outside temperature to be 95. At Mom's home, the temperature in the garage hit 95 in the late afternoon. Being used to cooler weather - way cooler weather - we slept with two fans oscillating in our bedroom. Around two thirty in the morning, I got up and turned the fans off as it was cool enough for us without them going.

Sunday morning we attended Mass at Holy Rosary in Portland. There were about 20 young children who received the sacrament of Holy Communion for the first time. The Mass was beautiful and the children were precious as they received the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Eucharist for the first time. The children all sat in the first two pews and they were seriously well behaved - perfect little angels.

Afterwards we were able to visit with family for a little while before heading up north again to pick up the boys. This photo is of Mom (thank you for all of your prayers on her behalf - she is back to running again!), Mel, Berni and Cris - Mel's sisters and my wonderful sisters-in-law.

The boys were totally exhausted - a good thing - and were in bed by nine p.m.

Gabriel is taking a twenty mile hike today with one other Boy Scout and the Hiking Badge Merit counselor...thank you, Miss Julie.


Christine said...

Such a happy looking crew. Glad you had a good time.

Macile Hooper LeJeune said...

I am amazed at these lovely ladies with their white hair ... and so young looking, that it has to be premature; like started changing colors in their teens. I knew a couple of girls like that.
Beautiful family and so glad you have them to boost you up at times. So how did the hike go?

Leslie K. said...

I am so glad Miss Julie will go on the can wait at the end with an ice tea and bag of doritos....lololol!