Sunday, February 01, 2009

Welcome HOME!

Melissa Gianna Molla and Daniel St. John of the Cross were received into the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church today in Seattle at Blessed Sacrament Roman Catholic Church. 

They are two young adults who have had journeys in the Christian walk and have found, like so many have, that ALL ROADS LEAD TO ROME!

I am so happy for them - I recall my confirmation, nearly 21 years ago - and am excited to see how their journeys inside the Church will unfold for each of them.

Thank you Lord for giving us Melissa Gianna Molla and Daniel St. John of the Cross as our sister and brother in the faith!!!

All glory and honor is yours, Almighty Father!

1 comment:

Leslie K. said...

WELCOME HOME and welcome to the chance to be CATHOLIC OUT LOUD!!!!!!